Saturday, September 10, 2005

If Garfield was a Dog...

Earlier this year Sarah's family rescued a little dog that was running onto the highway into traffic. When the RSPCA wouldn't help and no one wanted it, they decided to give her a home and called her Tia. She's sooo cute...just look at her now! Great job Westwoods!!


Anonymous said...

Wow, she's fat and her fur is lovely and thick and shiny now! :D

Sarah said...

That's my baby!!! Man, u don't notice the diff when you look at her everyday!!! I still remember my sis and I cutting all her matted fur the nite we found her.....
Man, now that I think of it, nobody enters and leaves my house without gaining a few kilos...thanx mum!!! Lucky for Bailey tho, that he has a Kate Moss physique....completely incapable of getting fat!!!

Make sure u all give my babies kisses and hugs everyday for the way....Israel is beautiful...very hip and happening!!!