Sunday, April 10, 2005

Happy Birthday Rodna!

I’m at Baku now and I’ve been walking around like a zombie. Had a really big night last night, went on a Wild Boys Afloat cruise for Rodna’s 24th. Happy Birthday Rodna!! Despite my initial reservations it turned out to be a great night with plenty of laughs. Yes I really did can all stop grinning now!
So 21 of us all got dressed up ready to have a bit of fun (Sorry for the picture quality I was too lazy to scan it).

The 'buffet' reminded me of the food that you get served at camp and we drank wine out of plastic cups.....classy!

The guy on the left was Keanu's body double in the Matrix...and the guy on the right was errr...showing us how athletic he was =P ehhehe

There were 5 performances and the last 'performer' looked really scary and randomly picked girls from the audience, he came up near us and I quickly put my head down to avoid eye contact secretly praying that he wouldn't pick me.

Poor Sophie got picked ....I won't put the picture up...

Here is to a great night and many cheesy jokes!!


In something totally unrelated, I was watching the Charles and Camilla wedding as I was getting ready for work. Is Charles and Camilla proof of the age old saying “If you’re meant to be together you will be…”?

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